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“We Preserve, Protect, and Promote opportunities for marginalized artists with a creative passion, through Performing Arts Engagement in Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, Music, and any other Arts related activity encouraging diversity and inclusivity.”



founder's note:

We cannot forget. There are and will always be genius found behind locked doors. Fame awarded to those who can afford it. The training, the time, the resources, the transportation, the support system needed, and above all else the cost; those will be the definitive factors that determine what doors remain locked and of which will open.


People need art. Artists need art. Creating passion in all forms is necessary. But what happens to those that are never found? The Artists forced to leave their creative passions behind? 


For many, losing the ability to connect with ourselves and others through our art can have devastating consequences. When you picture a society of happy people you see those individuals living out their dreams with equal opportunities.


Unfortunately, our society has accepted classism in all its forms when its comes to the arts and with that truth it creates a reality in which brilliant and talented artists are never seen. They are never witnessed. Those doors that are locked and unlocked are in a hallway, in a building far far away.


haven arts project is here to create that space. Where all doors are open. We will not forget.

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